

Leopoldstraße 53
80802 Munich
Tel.: +49 89 970515-0
Fax: +49 89 970515-199

Company number: München 193331  VAT Id: DE 220540197 
Executive Directors: Georg Denoke (CEO), Dr. Wolfgang Salzberger (CFO)

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Content of the website

Information available on-line from ATON GmbH is compiled and maintained with great care and to the best of our knowledge. Despite this, however, no guarantee is made that the information provided is completely error-free, exhaustive, up-to-date and available at all times.
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The copyright for published work created in-house remains solely with ATON GmbH. Duplication or use of such graphics, sound documents, video sequences and text in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without express permission from ATON GmbH.

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This disclaimer is part of the ATON GmbH web site. Wherever individual wording or parts of this text do not, no longer or no longer fully comply with the applicable legal position, remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in content and validity.